Blog Entries - Mar. 2019

Left Turn Restrictions to be Implemented on Two U.S. 22 Intersections
March 22, 2019
Warren County (Thursday, March 21, 2019) - A new traffic pattern will be activated on Tuesday, March 26 at approximately 9 a.m. with the inclusion of no left turn signs and new overhead flashers at two U.S. 22

Butler-Warren Road Between Palmera Drive and Roberts Park Drive Closing for Sixty Days
March 14, 2019
PRESS RELEASE Butler-Warren Road Between Palmera Drive and Roberts Park Drive Closing for Sixty Days Lebanon, Ohio – Deerfield Township – Butler-Warren Road will close 0.1 miles south of Brewer Road

Homerama 2019
March 13, 2019
HOMEARAMA® is returning to Deerfield Township this summer with HOMEARAMA® Kensington. HOMEARAMA® is the registered trade name for the single-site new home showcase produced by the Home Builders