Permit Requirements
New Construction
Any new construction requires the issuance of a zoning certificate to ensure that the standards of the Zoning Resolution are met. The Warren County Building Department enforces the local building, electrical and mechanical codes and they can be reached at 513.695.1290. For a list of applications for Deerfield Township Zoning Certificates see below.
Applications & Submission Process
All applications that are processed are assessed an application fee in accordance to the Fee Schedule*. Each application submission also includes a required number site plans and drawings for the project. Applications can be printed off of our website by clicking your application below. Electronic submittals are not accepted. Applications can be mailed or dropped off at our Admin offices 4900 Parkway Dr., Suite 150. Acceptable forms of payment is check or credit card.
*As of April 1, 2023, Deerfield Township will impose a surcharge of 3.5% on credit card transactions.
The zoning process and enforcement is overseen by our Zoning Coordinator at the Township. This person is tasked with guiding applicants through the permit process and enforcing zoning resolution. Please contact our offices if you need further assistance with the process. Below you find our applications associated with our procedures.
Permits & New Construction Applications
- Residential Single Family Permitted and Accessory Uses
- Multi-Family Residential Construction
- Home Occupation Application
- Commercial Construction
- Use Verification
- Interior/Exterior Renovation of Existing Spaces
- Temporary Use Permit
Sign Permit Application
Zoning Complaints
**All submissions must include an address. If you have more questions regarding formal zoning complaints click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions regarding a permit you may find your answer below
How do I create a site plan for my project?
Start by printing out a layout of your property on the Warren County Auditors Map. Using the printout, sketch your project on the site map and add dimensions of the project and how back from all property lines your project will be. See example.
Site plans do not have to be technical drawings however if you have one they will help the process along.

How do I locate the zoning for a desired property?
Use our Zoning Application.
What are the Township fees for permits and certificates?
Deerfield Township has a fee schedule you can review to find the costs associated with your project.
How long is my zoning certificate valid?
Zoning Certificates are valid for twelve months from the date of issuance.
Who do I contact regarding my Residential Zoning Certificate?
The Zoning Coordinator -Ronnie Caldwell is the contact regarding information for Residential Zoning Certificates.
Who do I contact regarding my Commercial Zoning Certificate?
The Planning Manager -P.J. Ginty is the contact regarding information for Commercial Zoning Certificates.
When do I need a Zoning Certificate?
Any new construction, including sheds, additions, and pools, requires the issuance of a zoning certificate to ensure that the standards of the Zoning Resolution are adhered to.
What is a typical turnaround on the issuance of a Zoning Certificate?
Approximately 3-5 business days.
Do I need to call for a final inspection?
Deerfield Township does not require the applicant/property owner to be present during their final inspection.
Do I need a business license?
No, but a Use Verification form is needed to ensure that the proposed use complies with the zoning resolution and any applicable Planned Unit Development regulations. Use Verification Form
Questions about a Permit?
Ronnie Caldwell, Zoning Coordinator handles the permit process.
Phone #513.701.6970.