About Us

Becoming Deerfield - The 2019 Comprehensive Plan Update
The township is updating our Comprehensive plan. It will be completed with input from the Board of Trustees, Zoning Commission, Township Staff, and interested citizen stakeholder groups. The primary objectives are to create comprehensive and executable strategies to enhance the quality, economic vitality, and sustainability of Deerfield Township.
Please join us in this process by participating in surveys, public workshops, and online activities over the next year to share your vision of our future.
With that said, we have your first opportunity to give us feedback. Please take a moment and fill out a short survey. Your answers will help guide our conversations and public engagement moving forward. The survey can be found here: http://bit.ly/DTCPSurvey.
More information about the 2019 Comprehensive Plan Update will be released as available. To stay up to date visit the Becoming Deerfield website. There you will have the opportunity to sign up for notifications as see the planning process as it evolves.
Thank you in advance for sharing your voice to shape our future.
2015 Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2015 under the resolution 2015-35. It establishes guidelines and goals to provide structure and predictability for future development in the township. To read the Comprehensive Plan please click here.